Utopia is a fictitious place and the author describes it as an ideal place for society to live. Based on fictitious story teller he describes many different aspects of life like cities, authorities, crafts, communication, relationships, trips, slaves, war and belief. What I didn't like is that through my eyes many things are based on Christianity or has some color of it. That makes me to think that basically this utopia society is based on emotional and not reasonable aspects.
Me personally I'm not admiring the idea of utopia. I think it has many disadvantages. What caught my eye is that in this book there is not mentioned some really important aspects like passion (in any ways like sexual, activity and even life). Sometimes this book reminded me Brave New World. It's similar that in utopia nobody possess nothing and in Brave New World everyone else belongs to everyone else. It doesn't really much differ in mindset, just in surface. What I really doesn't admire in utopias is that they deny personality and destroys character only leaving human as a small part of society. It seems that you can change any two people with places and nothing will change or have any difference. It's possible that in many cases the same would happen in our world, but here at least we have a chance. Actually I think utopia might be more admired by those, who want somebody else to do more for their good.
Most utopias tries to make people equal, but it's not right, because happiness is not equal and it can't be. Everyone's happiness is different that means you can't give everyone the same things and expect that they will react the same, because people should want different things in life. People shouldn't be computers programmed by the same program. I think that we are living in quite an utopia world. Everyone who is not programmed by memes (or even is) has different wishes and understands happiness differently. And the most beautiful thing is that everything is possible in our world nowadays. Everything except what your mind limits you from.
So, isn't this an utopia world? What do you think?