Most people wonder why certain people are successful and others are not, even though all of them are trying hard. I bet you wondered that many times as well? There is no any magic or mystery! There are certain habits that successful and effective people have and others don't. And you are able to know all of them in this one amazing book.
Genetics is nothing to blame on! If your weight shows numbers that you don't like, it's your job to reduce them. Your body is a very serious part of your life and you should treat it accordingly. Sex? Well, we all believe that we know everything, but a little more knowledge about 15 minute woman orgasm would be a great deal, don't you think so?!
Ever wanted a Ferrari? This book will help you get one, later on, it's your choice what to do with it!
Are you tired of your life? Do exactly the same Mondays and other days of the week don't make sense to you? Do you feel that there is something more waiting in life for you? If you have such or similar questions I believe this book can be an answer for you! But just reading it and not practicing is not going to make any changes in your life!
I don't believe in magic and miracles. I believe that it is possible to explain everything logically by using science and if you believe in some supernatural phenomenon or mystics, this only means that you lack of information on that subject. Don't believe me?! I'm sure that after reading this book you will!
How good can you accomplish a task assigned to you? Ever wondered why some people simply get things done and the majority are just making themselves busy by looking for reasons not to do something? I'm sure you can find many answers to those questions by reading this short story!
Dale Carnegie - the master of success! This book is one of his most popular books which had really changed many lives. One of the most important skills to reach your goals is probably communication and Carnegie beautifully reveals the secrets of this great skill. If you read this book and implement it, I believe your life will change to a great adventure!