There are many ways of solving any problem in any area. The question is do we really want to solve the problem or do we want just to delay it? This post is an idea that might be used in solving the problem of driving and talking over the phone.
Aistis Zidanavicius |
![]() There are many ways of solving any problem in any area. The question is do we really want to solve the problem or do we want just to delay it? This post is an idea that might be used in solving the problem of driving and talking over the phone.
![]() Without information we are blind. On the other hand it is very important not only to have the information but also use it properly because that will make it valuable. Information by itself is worthless. So why so many people don't even let the information in? Ignorance of information is not going to create any value.
![]() All of us know some books that are called best-sellers. I've read plenty such books in my life, I bet you did as well. We all can write a book about our life. The question is if it is going to be a best-seller?