I believe that being a champion is a state of mind. There is nothing to do with any innate qualities, it is just a matter of your mindset. Nobody is born with any kind of mindset and here everybody is equal, except some physical abilities. And most people don't even have a chance to create a champion mindset during their childhood. That's sad, but that's true - we are programmed by the closest surroundings to us, while we are too little to realize something by ourselves. The good news is that we can change our mind any time in any direction, but the important part is to realize that you can do that and where you want to go. So, being a champion is just a decision led by the actions. It's not enough just to say to yourself that you are a champion, it's more important to prove that and prove that to yourself, not to others. I like the quote "Weak people will say he is lucky, strong people will say I will try once more and only the champions will say it's not over until I WIN". Winners' mindset is not about excuses or tries, winners' mindset is about winning and it doesn't matter what it takes!
So, do you assign yourself to champions or to others?