Simple story, simple examples and outstanding knowledge that will definitely improve your financial success and life! Rich Dad Poor Dad will uncover the non-hidden secrets of why some people are becoming rich and most are not. And the most beautiful thing is that you will be able to use that knowledge and become rich as well!
Robert Kiyosaki is a wonderful adviser regarding financial issues. Rich Dad Poor Dad is his must have book in any home, because it will definitely improve your financial situation. I believe you will find many answers to the question why you are not rich yet. Robert tells his story of having 2 dads, one who was his intelligent one and the other, who was the rich one. The story starts from the childhood and I believe it's very important, because the knowledge you get being a child lasts through mostly all your life. And here comes very important question of what outcome do you wish to have in your life? This book is a great start of changing your mindset and start living a rich life!
I've read this book twice and I think I will read it once a year, because even though some of the information is a little old or not as useful in different countries as it is in US, still the principles and the ideas are exactly the same. Every time reading this book I'm getting a little bit different understanding of what Robert wants to tell us, so I believe reading it once a year will still give me a very valuable new insights.
What I love about this book is that it really explains differences between people's mindsets and how those mindsets are affecting their financial life. Mostly if the financial situation is bad, that leads to all other aspects of life to be bad. So by reading this book you will be able to understand the main principles why some people are rich and most are not. Another great thing is that Kiyosaki advocates education a lot. And by saying education he means not the education system, but the education itself, what means constant improvement of you. He really doesn't like the system that is used in many countries to produce just employees, without any knowledge of financial issues and any chance of becoming really rich! And yes, many people are still blindly following the habit, that you need to go to school an get a good education. It's time to wake up, because we are living in different times!
And some WARNING at the end: This book won't make you rich - you will! This book will just give you the knowledge how to do that!
So, are you ready to wake up, or you need to get your diploma first?
I've read this book twice and I think I will read it once a year, because even though some of the information is a little old or not as useful in different countries as it is in US, still the principles and the ideas are exactly the same. Every time reading this book I'm getting a little bit different understanding of what Robert wants to tell us, so I believe reading it once a year will still give me a very valuable new insights.
What I love about this book is that it really explains differences between people's mindsets and how those mindsets are affecting their financial life. Mostly if the financial situation is bad, that leads to all other aspects of life to be bad. So by reading this book you will be able to understand the main principles why some people are rich and most are not. Another great thing is that Kiyosaki advocates education a lot. And by saying education he means not the education system, but the education itself, what means constant improvement of you. He really doesn't like the system that is used in many countries to produce just employees, without any knowledge of financial issues and any chance of becoming really rich! And yes, many people are still blindly following the habit, that you need to go to school an get a good education. It's time to wake up, because we are living in different times!
And some WARNING at the end: This book won't make you rich - you will! This book will just give you the knowledge how to do that!
So, are you ready to wake up, or you need to get your diploma first?