This book is written by a man who spent many years working for the pharmacy companies and his claim is that most of those companies simply work for profits and do many evil things to achieve it. He describes his experience of doing unmoral things himself. Of course, most facts still can't be approved by the certain evidences and sometimes this story even might sound like one of conspiracy theories, but still it raises many serious questions.
You might read this book and take everything as an absolute true or you can read it and take it as an absolute nonsense. It's your choice and you will have certain outcomes by making your decision. Or it is possible to read this book and make a critical thinking of what might be true and why it might be true. I personally take the information in the book more as true than as nonsense. The reason for that is that everything what I see around is more likely to claim the story than to deny it.
One of the chapters is about artificially made diseases. It's not about creating physical viruses (I believe that is possible as well), it's more about creating what I call mind viruses. It's when you put a fear into society's minds about some illness and suddenly you come up with the cure for that. In such case most people get sick (mentally) and buy cure even they have never needed that if they've never knew that. And this is one of those things that I really see around by myself. Even this makes the information in the book consider more correct that incorrect. You should be blind if you don't see all those ads on TV, streets, screens of various drugs. I don't need them, but most people simply do, because they see and believe. Another question that I ask myself is what is the pharmacy industry really capable of? And what is it is just showing us?
Your thoughts. Are you sick just because there is a cure for your illness?