I should admit that some similar information I've got earlier from other books. What I love the most about audio version of this book is that information is presented in a story telling manner what makes it very interesting to listen. This book made me look to everything in my life from another angle. The author presents four simple, but very powerful agreements that can really change your life. I'm still practicing to get used to those principles. Even it's simple to understand, it's more difficult to implement. On the other hand, the examples make it all easier.
Have you ever thought about human domestication? Well, if you never did, than after listening/reading The Four Agreements you will understand that we are not any different than any other living beings on this planet. And we are domesticated to be humans, so it might be that most of us really don't even know what it really means to be a human. We are humans just the way we are taught to be humans.
Back to four agreements, you will be surprised how obvious they can be. Most of them you are using everyday, unfortunately mostly in a wrong manner. I don't want to write them here, because just writing them without explanation would be meaningless. I greatly recommend this book to everyone who wants more balance, peace and freedom in their life. I believe this book will cause you to think if you are prepared to look at everything what you've been taught from another angle.
Does domestication program that you've got help you in your life?