Are you tired of your life? Do you do things that don't bring any meaning in to your life? Are you so busy that you have never thought of these questions before? Do you own a Ferrari? You can spend couple of hours reading this book and might find the answers to your questions or you can keep on rushing and realize these things by yourself on the last day of your life!
Robin Sharma is really a great story teller. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a book full of wisdom, advises and lessons about life wrapped in a beautiful story of human transformation and finding a meaning in life. I liked this book, because everything is explained in a simple story way. The main line of the book is about the lawyer who had all the success and lots of money but still lost the meaning and passion in life. Author tells us simple principles which most people forget by rushing over their lives. He reminds us what it really means to live and enjoy everyday blessings. All the book consists of many insights and advises presented in a ear-catching manner.
Most people these days rush to make careers, earn money and does other "need to do" things don't even realizing that they are quitting on their real dreams and passions in life. Most people are just doing things not even realizing that they are caught in a closed circuit and really don't go anywhere. Most people are not happy with their lives and those things they are doing are not bringing them any joy. Most people are trying their best for their family, but forgetting the most important - to spend time with the family. This book might be the answer to the question, why are they not happy yet. Happiness is a state of mind that consists of many small blessings in life and most people are just rushing for many things that don't make their lives any more happy and meaningful. This book might open your eyes and make you see life through a different angle.
As hearing some people talking about this book I also noticed one dangerous thing. And that thing is money topic. For some people it might seem that money is not an important thing, but it really is and I don't believe that Robin wants to justify poverty. Money is a tool, to make your life easier and get things you want and you don't need to misunderstand the attitude that money becomes everything in life. Believe me, if you don't have money, happiness is a lot more difficult state to understand. Even the book is called The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, so you need to have that Ferrari at first in order to be able to sell it. This book is not a permission to make excuses why you are not rich or have not enough money. It just gives you lessons on how to be happy and live a meaningful life.
So what car do you drive and which car would you really like to drive?!
Most people these days rush to make careers, earn money and does other "need to do" things don't even realizing that they are quitting on their real dreams and passions in life. Most people are just doing things not even realizing that they are caught in a closed circuit and really don't go anywhere. Most people are not happy with their lives and those things they are doing are not bringing them any joy. Most people are trying their best for their family, but forgetting the most important - to spend time with the family. This book might be the answer to the question, why are they not happy yet. Happiness is a state of mind that consists of many small blessings in life and most people are just rushing for many things that don't make their lives any more happy and meaningful. This book might open your eyes and make you see life through a different angle.
As hearing some people talking about this book I also noticed one dangerous thing. And that thing is money topic. For some people it might seem that money is not an important thing, but it really is and I don't believe that Robin wants to justify poverty. Money is a tool, to make your life easier and get things you want and you don't need to misunderstand the attitude that money becomes everything in life. Believe me, if you don't have money, happiness is a lot more difficult state to understand. Even the book is called The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, so you need to have that Ferrari at first in order to be able to sell it. This book is not a permission to make excuses why you are not rich or have not enough money. It just gives you lessons on how to be happy and live a meaningful life.
So what car do you drive and which car would you really like to drive?!